Embodying Ahimsa is the online platform for the Healing work of Tamara Dawn. 
Located in Lake Cowichan, British Columbia, she offers in person sessions in Ayurvedic Massage, Public and Private Yoga classes, Lifestyle consultations, and Spiritual support.

Embarking on the journey of embodying the wisdom of non-violence (ahimsa) requires feeling supported and resourced.

The purpose of this site is to network with those on their Spiritual Journey requiring such support and resourcing
Tamara offers her loving, gentle, feminine presence and guidance with humility and devotion to the vast web of the other-than-human relations sharing this journey of learning to be healthy people together.
She nurtures the values of Respect, Trust and Intimacy through her Sessions.  

Tamara offers her wise and soulful experience from walking this path full-heartedly for over 15 years to support your journey of conscious, creative transformation. We all need helpers, who need helpers, who need helpers;

We all unfurl together in an interdependently arising web of unfathomable Love.

If you find yourself at a moment in your soul’s journey where you need a spiritual ally, or simply someone to honour and support your body’s journey into greater health and harmony , you are most welcome to reach out.